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  • Jonas Dreßler's avatar
    backends/native: Translate right coords when creating motion events · 3263084b
    Jonas Dreßler authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    With commit 7d787688 we switched to
    storing pointer coordinates in MetaInputDeviceNative instead of
    ClutterInputDevice, and while we had set the coordinates of the
    ClutterInputDevice in ClutterStage when queueing an event, we now set
    the MetaInputDeviceNative coordinates in new_absolute_motion_event().
    Here a small mistake snuck in: new_absolute_motion_event() only
    translates the coordinates of the event, but we call
    meta_input_device_native_set_coords() using the x and y variables
    (which remain untranslated), so now the input device coordinates are no
    longer translated.
    Fix that by translating the coordinates of the x and y variables in case
    we're we handling a tablet/stylus event instead of only translating the
    event coordinates.
    Fixes GNOME/mutter#1685
    Part-of: <GNOME/mutter!1760>