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  • Alberts Muktupāvels's avatar
    backend-x11: Ensure the Xkb group index remains properly set · 2857fdbd
    Alberts Muktupāvels authored and Rui Matos's avatar Rui Matos committed
    Ubuntu ships a patch in the X server that makes the group switch
    keybindings only work on key release, i.e. the X server internal group
    locking happens on key release which means that mutter gets the
    XKB_KEY_ISO_Next_Group key press event, does its XLockGroup() call
    with a new index and then, on key release, the X server moves the
    index further again.
    We can work around this without affecting our behavior in unpatched X
    servers by doing a XLockGroup() every time we're notified of the
    locked group changing if it doesn't match what we requested.