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  • Dallas Strouse's avatar
    backends/native: Main thread rt-scheduler: experimental feature no more · c8c55609
    Dallas Strouse authored and Bilal Elmoussaoui's avatar Bilal Elmoussaoui committed
    To paraphrase jadahl: we have a dedicated KMS thread now, which also
    has realtime scheduling enabled unconditionally. realtime scheduling
    on the main thread isn't too great of an idea, considering GC can
    take a hot minute.
    And to quote rmader: we most likely won't be able to make the main
    thread rt as long as we use GJS and thus have GC.
    So let's get rid of it! It's just been breaking things anyways.
    This just ignores the setting; we'll fully remove it when GNOME 46
    comes around.
    Part-of: <GNOME/mutter!3296>