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  • Thomas Thurman's avatar
    removed as it was never used. lots of comments. copyright year is 2008. · 146ad60c
    Thomas Thurman authored
    2008-01-12  Thomas Thurman  <>
            * src/core/main.[ch] (meta_get_main_loop): removed as it
            was never used.
            * src/core/main.c: lots of comments.
            * src/core/main.c (version): copyright year is 2008.
            * src/core/c-screen.[ch], src/core/c-window.[ch]: removed
            files from Søren's compositor which were removed by the
            merge with Iain's compositor but reintroduced by the split
            to separate subdirectories.
            * src/core/display.c: fix comments.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=3515