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  • Thomas Thurman's avatar
    (Apologies for huge commit; these were done on a transatlantic flight. This is why we need bzr.) · ac365b4e
    Thomas Thurman authored
    2008-11-22  Thomas Thurman  <>
            * src/core/all-keybindings.h: "backward", not "backwards" throughout.
    2008-11-20  Thomas Thurman  <>
            * turned on -Wall and -Werror in order to
              trap as many problems as possible.
            * src/ui/resizepopup.c: added correct #include.
            * src/ui/theme-viewer.c: initialised variable.
            * src/core/xprops.c: corrected cast.
            * src/core/main.c: added warning if chdir() fails.
            * src/core/schema-bindings.c: checking the return
              result of fgets().
    2008-11-20  Thomas Thurman  <>
            Merged screen and window keybinding tables so that
            we can use just one file for the both.  Also incidentally
            closes #528337.  Further efficiencies of scale to come.
            * src/include/prefs.h: replace META_PREF_*_KEYBINDINGS
              with META_PREF_KEYBINDINGS
            * src/core/keybindings.c: replace *_bindings with key_bindings
              and similar throughout; all window-based functions are now
              guaranteed to receive a window so don't need to check for
              (find_handler): moved so it can also be called from
            * src/core/display-private.h: replace *_bindings with key_bindings
            * src/core/prefs.c: update_*_binding becomes update_key_binding;
              (change_notify): tidy up references to "enormous if statement"
                               since it's almost entirely gone now
            * src/core/all-keybindings.h: new merged version of
                               screen-bindings.h and window-bindings.h.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=4022