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  • Alberts Muktupāvels's avatar
    display: remove benign warning for older X clients · 4c8927e5
    Alberts Muktupāvels authored
    The default configuration of libinput-gestures utility invokes wmctrl to
    switch between desktops. It uses wmctrl because this works on both Xorg
    and Wayland (via XWayland). Unfortunately, this generates the following
    warning message every time, in both Xorg and Wayland desktops:
    "Received a NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP message from a broken (outdated) client
    who sent a 0 timestamp"
    The desktop switch still works fine. The tiny code change here removes
    this specific warning because, as the prefacing code comment originally
    said and still says, older clients can validly pass a 0 time value so
    why complain about that?
    I also refactored the "if (workspace)" code slightly to avoid the double
    test of the workspace value.
    Based on mutter commit: