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  • Kai Willadsen's avatar
    filediff: Work around GtkSourceView load failure (final part of #152) · da3ba746
    Kai Willadsen authored
    When GtkSourceView's loader fails to load due to a unicode decode issue,
    at least one of the failure cases doesn't actually end the in-progress
    user action (see bgo#795387). Because we use user-actions to handle both
    our undo stack and also our sensitivity setting (i.e., we disable some
    things while you're in the middle of a user action) this breaks several
    things across the Meld UI, basically putting us in a very weird state.
    The workaround here is... not good, but it's the best we can do for now.
    If/when the GtkSourceView side of this gets fixed, we'll end up with a
    lot of GTK+ critical logs, but everything *should* continue to work.