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  • Kai Willadsen's avatar
    filediff: Place cursor at the start of a replaced chunk · 27fd840d
    Kai Willadsen authored
    This is an ergonomics improvement. In most cases this won't matter at
    all. It's sort of more intuitive to keep doing what we used to do, and
    place the cursor after the chunk that's just had the action done to
    it... after all that's what would happen if you'd just pasted the chunk.
    However, it doesn't really feel right to me. In particular, it's a pain
    when pulling chunks, because you've just pulled a chunk into your
    current pane, and then your cursor is moved off this chunk. Now maybe
    that's okay because you're done with it, but maybe you're not. You may
    want to edit that chunk further, or (in three-way diff cases) you may
    want to then push that chunk to the other side (i.e., in center, pull
    from left, push to right).
    If this doesn't end up working out, the change is trivial to revert.
    However, for now this feels more correct to me.