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  • Kai Willadsen's avatar
    meldapp, meldwindow: Rework window deletion logic for async closing · 2b21de66
    Kai Willadsen authored
    Because we're not doing asynchronous saving, we need a significantly
    more complicated flow of should-I-close logic. Currently this works by
     having MeldWindow register whether it thinks it should try to close,
    and having it destroy itself if it thinks it's trying to close and
    doesn't have any tabs left. MeldApp now does something similar, and
    dies if its last window ever destroys itself.
    The delete/destroy logic in MeldWindow.page_removed still seems weird
    to me, but it's definitely necessary for the window to close correctly
    when e.g., an unsaved file comparison is present, the user saves it
    from the quit dialog, and the async save finishes.