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  • Daniel Veillard's avatar
    The XML Rec formatting test starts looking okay, also added · 1a3df8fb
    Daniel Veillard authored
    apply-imports support:
    - FEATURES libxslt/imports.h libxslt/pattern.[ch]
      libxslt/xsltInternals.h libxslt/transform.[ch]
      libxslt/templates.c libxslt/xslt.c:
      Added apply-imports, keep a stack of running templates
    - libxslt/xsltutils.c: bugfixes, gather the output informations
      down the cascade
    - tests/xmlspec/ tests/xmlspec/REC-xml-2e.xsl
      tests/xmlspec/diffspec.xsl tests/xmlspec/xmlspec.xsl: running
      the real set of transformation on XML-1.0 2e generages a near
      perfect HTML. Needs just more number fixes and implementation
      and an obscure problem in 3.3.3