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  • Kasimier T. Buchcik's avatar
    Merged all the namespace lookup/create/disable functions into · c09974f8
    Kasimier T. Buchcik authored
    * libxslt/attributes.c libxslt/attrvt.c libxslt/namespaces.c
      libxslt/namespaces.h libxslt/preproc.c libxslt/templates.c
      libxslt/transform.c libxslt/variables.c libxslt/xslt.c
      libxslt/xsltInternals.h libxslt/xsltutils.c:
      Merged all the namespace lookup/create/disable functions
      into xsltGetSpecialNamespace(). Changed xsltGetNamespace()
      and xsltGetPlainNamespace() to call xsltGetSpecialNamespace(),
      but kept the ns-aliasing mechanism; the ns-aliasing needs
      to be removed when we move to the refactored code, which
      applies ns-alias only at compilaton time.
      Refactored xsltElementComp() (preproc.c); enhanced error reports.
      Fixed: if the "namespace" attribute was not given, then this
      performed incorrectly only a lookup for a default namespace;
      i.e., without taking any prefix on the "name" attribute into
      Refactored xsltElement() (transform.c); enhanced error reports.
      Refactored xsltAttributeComp() (preproc.c). Added namespace
      lookup as in xsltElementComp(). Enhanced error reports.
      Refactored xsltAttribute() (transform.c); enhanced error reports.
      xsltCopyTreeInternal(): eliminated the need to call xmlGetNsList()
      for every element in the tree; this needs to be done only for
      the top-most elements. For subsequent elements reconcile only
      the ns-declarations. Disallowed setting of ns-declarations if
      children have been already added to an element.
      Removed ns-aliasing code where necessary.
      xsltCopyProp(): disallowed setting of attribute nodes if
      children have been already added to an element.
      xsltCopy(): removed the incorrect skipping of attributes in the
      XSLT namespace. Removed the incorrect ns-aliasing for attributes.
      Changed to use the introduced function xsltShallowCopyAttr().
      xsltShallowCopyAttr():  Centralized all attribute-copy related
      code in this function. It will now be called by
      xsltCopyTreeInternal(), xsltCopyOf() and xsltCopy().
      xsltCopyAttrListNoOverwrite(): Renamed. Refactored. Optimized to
      use xsltGetSpecialNamespace() and xmlNewDocProp().
      Further substitution of various scattered namespace-lookup
      related code for the use of xsltGetSpecialNamespace().
      xsltAttrTemplateProcess(): Refactored. Removed the incorrect
      processing of attribute-sets. Attribute sets need to be applied
      before adding any normal attribute of the literal result element;
      this is now done in  xsltAttrListTemplateProcess(). Fixed to
      ensure that the ns-prefix of the overwriting attribute is used.
      xsltAttrListTemplateProcess(): Refactored. Moved semantics from
      xsltAttrTemplateProcess() over to this function in order to
      optimize processing of multiple attributes. This does not call
      xsltAttrTemplateProcess() anymore.
      Fixed: do not exclude the XSLT namespace after ns-aliasing have
      beed applied.
      The IFDEFed-out refactored code fixes the following issues:
      - #313711: namespace collision with namespace-alias (reported
                  by by Oleg Paraschenko)
      - #338214: Incorrect scope for exclude-result-prefixes
      - #341392: Excluding namespace declarations of literal result
      - #341325: Namespace aliasing and resulting namespace prefixes
      Already enabled fixes:
      - #344183: xsl:copy misses to copy attributes in the XSLT namespace
      - #341463: Namespace-alias using #default for result-prefix with no
      	     default namespace in scope
      - #313890: namespace collision with xsl:element and xsl:attribute,
      	     reported by Oleg Paraschenko
      - #344176: xsl:copy misses to set an element's namespace-URI in
                 some cases
      - #305739: the "name" QName of xsl:element is incorrectly always
      	     resolved to the default namespace