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  • Daniel Veillard's avatar
    register xmlSchemaSetValidErrors, patch from Brent Hendricks in the · eff45a92
    Daniel Veillard authored
    * python/libxml.c: register xmlSchemaSetValidErrors, patch from
      Brent Hendricks in the mailing-list
    * include/libxml/valid.h HTMLparser.c SAX2.c valid.c
      parserInternals.c: fix #156626 and more generally how to find out
      if a validation contect is part of a parsing context or not. This
      can probably be improved to make 100% sure that vctxt->userData
      is the parser context too. It's a bit hairy because we can't
      change the xmlValidCtxt structure without breaking the ABI since
      this change xmlParserCtxt information indexes.
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