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  • Kasimier T. Buchcik's avatar
    Optimized xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTest() and xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTestNth() · df0ba264
    Kasimier T. Buchcik authored
    * xpath.c: Optimized xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTest() and
      xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTestNth() to evaluate a compound
      traversal of 2 axes when we have a "//foo" expression.
      This is done with a rewrite of the XPath AST in
      xmlXPathRewriteDOSExpression(); I added an additional field
      to xmlXPathStepOp for this (but the field's name should be
      changed). The mechanism: the embracing descendant-or-self
      axis traversal (also optimized to return only nodes which
      can hold elements), will produce context nodes for the
      inner traversal of the child axis. This way we avoid a full
      node-collecting traversal of the descendant-or-self axis.
      Some tests indicate that this can reduce execution time of
      "//foo" to 50%. Together with the XPath object cache this
      all significantly speeds up libxslt.
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