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  • Kasimier T. Buchcik's avatar
    Initial implementation for redefinitions; this still misses checks for · 570faa57
    Kasimier T. Buchcik authored
    * xmlschemas.c include/libxml/schemasInternals.h
      include/libxml/xmlerror.h: Initial implementation for
      redefinitions; this still misses checks for restrictions
      of the content model of complex types.
      Fixed default/fixed values for attributes (looks like they
      did not work in the last  releases).
      Completed constraints for attribute uses.
      Seperated attribute derivation from attribute constraints.
      Completed constraints for attribute group definitions.
      Disallowing <import>s of schemas in no target namespace if the
      importing schema is a chameleon schema. This contradicts
      the way Saxon, Xerces-J, XSV and IBM's SQC works, but the
      W3C XML Schema WG, thinks it is correct to dissalow such
      Added cos-all-limited constraints.
      Restructured reference resolution to model groups and element
      Misc cleanup.
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