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  • Philip Withnall's avatar
    tests: Fix warnings about unused results from g_string_free() · 62a8ac32
    Philip Withnall authored
    GLib 2.76 emits a warning if `g_string_free (_, FALSE)` is used without
    using its return value, as it typically signifies a leak:
    warning: ignoring return value of ‘g_string_free_and_steal’ declared
    with attribute ‘warn_unused_result’ [-Wunused-result]
    In this case, the libsoup example and test code did *not* leak because
    it had already stolen the string data from `GString`. That’s a bit of a
    layering violation (the string data briefly has two owners), so
    rearrange the code to fix that and silence the warning.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPhilip Withnall <>