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  • Philip Withnall's avatar
    soup-uri: Check string lengths before reading bytes of %-encoded chars · ab859a8a
    Philip Withnall authored and Claudio Saavedra's avatar Claudio Saavedra committed
    There are two instances in `SoupURI` where `g_ascii_isxdigit()` is
    called two bytes ahead of the read pointer to check if a %-encoding is
    valid. This is fine when the string being parsed is nul-terminated (as
    the first `g_ascii_isxdigit()` call will safely return `FALSE`), but
    will result in a read off the end of the buffer if it’s
    length-terminated (and doesn’t happen to also be nul-terminated).
    Thankfully, that’s not the case in any of the code paths in `SoupURI`
    leading to these two instances, so this is not a security issue.
    However, the functions should probably be fixed to do an appropriate
    length check, just in case they get called from somewhere else in
    Spotted by oss-fuzz in oss-fuzz#23815 and oss-fuzz#23818, when it was
    fuzzing the new `GUri` implementation in GLib, which is heavily based
    off this code.
    Includes two unit tests which don’t actually trigger the original
    failure (as all strings passed into `SoupURI` are forced to be
    nul-terminated), but would trigger it if the nul termination was not
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPhilip Withnall <>