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  • Carlos Garcia Campos's avatar
    Wait until IO finished before re-starting a request · 89076679
    Carlos Garcia Campos authored
    In case of restarting it can happen that the new request is started
    before the previous one is fully completed. This is because restart
    is scheduled on SoupMessage::got-body that happens right before the
    stream is closed and the IO finished. In HTTP/1.x this is possible if a
    new request is made in got-body callback, for example. In HTTP/2 is
    easier to reproduce because we emit SoupMessage::got-body right after
    SoupClientInputStream::eof. This patch adds an intermediate state
    SOUP_MESSAGE_REQUEUED set by soup_session_requeue_item(). The transition
    to SOUP_MESSAGE_RESTARTING happens when the message IO completes to
    ensure the restarted request starts when message no longer has an active IO.