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  • panoplie's avatar
    sync-search: unlock keyring before getting secret attributes · 73877742
    panoplie authored and Niels De Graef's avatar Niels De Graef committed
    In gnome-keyring, the secret items attributes are not visible until the keyring
    is unlocked. But in libsecret, the synchronous secret search function unlocks
    the keyring after and not before the attributes dbus pull.
    So when the keyring is locked and you run secret_service_search_sync(), you get
    hashed or empty attributes because the keyring was locked at the time these
    attributes were pulled. If you run this function when the keyring is already
    unlocked, there is no problem.
    This commit moves the unlock routine before the attributes pull to make the
    synchronous search function working correctly when the keyring is locked
    Issues #6 gnome-shell#4780