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  • Dom Lachowicz's avatar
    Introduce PRIVATE API to get around bugs 357406 and 362217. IMHO, · 708a319b
    Dom Lachowicz authored
    	* rsvg-gobject.c: Introduce PRIVATE API to get around bugs 357406 and 362217.
    	IMHO, gobject's type registration and quark/error system is fundamentally
    	broken with respect to (un)loadable modules such as GTK+ theme engines. This
    	is the best I can do for now without breaking librsvg's API. This may cause
    	as many headaches as it fixes, though.
    	* rsvg-private.h: Declare new _rsvg_register_types() function
    	* gtk-engine/svg-main.c: Invoke new type registration function
    	* librsvg.def: export this function
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