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  • Federico Mena Quintero's avatar Port rsvg_rust_render_markers() to Rust · 035d6c24
    Federico Mena Quintero authored
    This is the interesting part of the old rsvg_render_markers() from C.
    That function in C now remains only as a wrapper that extracts a few
    values from the RsvgDrawingCtx and passes them on to
    rsvg_rust_render_markers().  I'll probably add accessor functions later
    so that this kind of wrapper is not necessary.
    Also, change the Cargo.toml to build a staticlib.  Re-enable the Rust
    build in the master
    And it works!  The tests pass!
    The is fishy; it uses rust/target/debug/*.a instead of
    automatically switching between "debug" and "release".  Also, this is
    not yet integrated into at all.
    But it works!