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WIP: Port the gdk pixbufloader to rust

Paolo Borelli requested to merge pborelli/librsvg:pixbufloader into master

This implements the pixbufloader in rust.

It seems to work in very limited testing. I tested by doing the following:

mkdir ~/loaders
cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/* ~/loaders/
cp gdk-pixbuf-loader/target/release/ ~/loaders/
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > loaders/loaders.cache
cat /proc/`pidof nautilus`/smaps | grep -i svg

if there are better ways to test let me know.

There are quite a few things to discuss before thinking about merging this

  • Doing a pixbufloader in rust means we are statically linking rsvg... is that a problem?
  • is there any specific concern about ABI? eg shall we check the .so entry points? shall we use no panic etc?
  • The module is called because cargo does not let me use hyphens
  • In Cargo.toml I used librsvg = { path = ".." }... is that ok?
  • Later we will need to figure out how to integrate with Makefiles
  • I did not remove the old code for now
  • I had to manually bind various GdkPixbuf types since they either are not in the gdkpixbuf-sys crate or they are opaque while in our case we need to assign fields... shall these be sent upstream or writing loaders is not in scope for thath crate?
  • I used the new rust API, this means however that size_func, prepare, etc are called only at end... is this ok?
  • I am creating the librsvg::Loader just at the last step... would it be better to create it early and let it consume the input stream as we feed data to it?
  • Is the size stuff correct or shall we use the legacy sizing present in the c_api
  • Since the lib can only use the public API, I reimplemented the code that copies a cairo surface to a pixbuf... it is probably buggy with regard to endianness. How do we avoid this duplication? Maybe we need to expose a PixbufRenderer in the API...

With regard to the bindings, I filed: gdk-pixbuf#167 (closed)

Edited by Paolo Borelli

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