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  • Chun-wei Fan's avatar
    build: Check for PangoFT2/FontConfig availability · 46c8688a
    Chun-wei Fan authored
    On Windows the GTK+ stack does not hard depend on PangoFT2 (thus
    Fontconfig--GTK+ uses PangoWin32 to do the Font discovery and
    configuration stuff by default, unless one uses an envvar to force
    PangoFT2 usage), unlike *NIX platforms, so we need to check for
    it by doing:
    -On Windows, enable the test code that uses PangoFT2/FontConfig if
     PangoFT2 and FontConfig is found during configure.  On Visual Studio
     builds, this is set to be disabled in config.h.win32(.in), and can be
     manually enabled by uncommenting #define HAVE_PANGOFT2 1 in
     config.h.win32 prior to the build (or rebuild).  This continues to have
     FontConfig and PangoFT2 to act as an optional dependency.
    -On non-Windows platforms, make PangoFT2 and FontConfig a hard dependency,
     which is what the current code assumes.
    We might probably need to make the custom TTF load via PangoWin32 and/or
    the native Windows API to run the tests when PangoFT2 and FontConfig are
    not found on Windows.
    Also bump ...