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build: Set a SONAME version in the libmks library

The libmks library is currently unversioned, but donwstream users expect this library to have a proper SONAME version in order to package them.

A stable release has not yet happened because the project is still under development and the API/ABI might change. But having a versioned SONAME would allow distributions to package libmks, without the need to add any downstream patch to set the library version.

Since the "0.1.0" version is already set as the meson project, let's use it to set the library version as well. The meson build system will use the first part of the version (0) as the SONAME version, which is aligned with the convention used by other projects:

  $ ls ./lib/* -1

  $ objdump -p ./lib/ | grep SONAME
Edited by Javier Martinez Canillas

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