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  • Vivien Malerba's avatar
    added a "type" (and optionnally "descr") attributes to the <serv_op> XML · e13071dc
    Vivien Malerba authored
    2007-10-05  Vivien Malerba <>
    	* libgda/libgda-server-operation.dtd:
    	* libgda/gda-server-operation.c: added a "type" (and optionnally "descr")
    	attributes to the <serv_op> XML tag
    	* libgda/libgda-dict.dtd:
    	* libgda/gda-dict-field.c: scale and length attributes are only stored in
    	XML file if they are significant
    	* libgda/sqlite/gda-sqlite-recordset.c: correctly compute column's length
    	and scale from declared column type
    	* po/
    	* tools/
    	* tools/gda-list-server-op.c: new tool to list the supported DDL operations for
    	each provider
    	* tools/gda-sql.c: modified help message
    	* libgda/gda-server-operation.c:
    	* doc/C: docs. improvements
    	* samples/DDL: new example to show a basic usage of the GdaServerOperation to
    	creatre a table
    	* libgda/gda-data-model-query.c: bugs fixes
    	* tests/data-models/check_data_proxy.c: new tests when proxied data model changes
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=2987