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  • Vivien Malerba's avatar
    new directory new object which allows one to execute functions in a · c7f36ada
    Vivien Malerba authored
    2009-04-07  Vivien Malerba <>
    	* libgda/
    	* libgda/thread-wrapper/ new directory
    	* libgda/thread-wrapper/gda-thread-wrapper.[ch]: new object which
    	allows one to execute functions in a private sub thread from any
    	other thread.
    	* libgda/thread-wrapper/gda-thread-provider.[ch]:
    	* libgda/thread-wrapper/gda-thread-recordset.[ch]: new built-in
    	pseudo provider to constrain a GdaConnection's usage within a private
    	sub thread, making its usage completely thread safe
    	* libgda/gda-connection-sqlite.h: file renamed to
    	* libgda/gda-connection.[ch]:
    	  - added a GDA_CONNECTION_OPTIONS_THREAD_SAFE flag to use when opening
    	    a connection
    	  - added asynchronous statement execution methods:
    	    gda_connection_async_statement_execute(), gda_connection_async_fetch_result()
    	    and gda_connection_async_cancel()
    	  - the GdaConnection can now be created by the new GdaThreadProvider pseudo
    	    provider to wrap a real GdaConnection object in a private sub thread
    	* libgda/providers-support/gda-data-select-priv.h:
    	* libgda/gda-data-select.c: adaptations to be used by the new GdaThreadRecordset
    	* libgda/gda-meta-store.c:
    	  - now thread safe
    	  - corrections to gda_meta_store_schema_get_structure()
    	* libgda/gda-server-provider.[ch]: new virtual method to handle async. requests
    	* libgda/sqlite/gda-sqlite-recordset.c: minor correction
    	* po/ added new files
    	* providers/postgres/gda-postgres-util.c:
    	* providers/postgres/gda-postgres.h: make sure a PostgreSQL connection is only
    	used by one statement at a time
    	* doc/C: doc. updates
    	* tests/multi-threading/dummy-object.[ch]:
    	* tests/multi-threading/check_wrapper.c: new test for the GdaThreadWrapper object
    	* tests/multi-threading/check_threaded_cnc: new test for connections opened with
    	* tools/web-server.c: don't check for uint8_t
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=3373
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