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  • Nelson Ben's avatar
    Pango 1.44 got the ability to automatically hyphenate on line breaks, · 258c05b0
    Nelson Ben authored
    which is enabled by default, but can be set off by a new attribute.
    As a result, GdTwoLinesRenderer is now showing a hyphen in some cases
    at end of first line, which is bad for filenames (like Totem or Evince
    recent files view) because a filename may already include hyphens so
    showing an extra hyphen which is not part of the filename is confusing.
    This is a regression that Pango devs are not going to fix but instead
    provided a new attribute to set this off.
    So to fix this regression, let's restore previous behaviour when using
    Pango >= 1.44
    Fixes evince#1242
    Fixes totem#349