2.9.39 fails to build with vala >= 0.43
The build issue has been reported on Ubuntu (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdmapsharing/+bug/1823425)
'vala-dpap-record.vala:120.3-120.42: warning: unhandled error `GLib.FileError'
GLib.FileUtils.get_data (path, out data);
vala-dmap-db.vala:27.2-27.46: error: Cannot convert from `Gee.ArrayList<DMAP.Record>' to `Gee.ArrayList<weak DMAP.Record>'
private Gee.ArrayList<unowned DMAP.Record> db = new Gee.ArrayList<DMAP.Record> ();
vala-dmap-db.vala:30.3-30.8: error: The name `add' does not exist in the context of `ValaDMAPDb.db'
db.add (((DMAP.Record) record));
The full log can be found on https://launchpadlibrarian.net/417924367/buildlog_ubuntu-disco-amd64.libdmapsharing_2.9.39-4_BUILDING.txt.gz
Edited by Sébastien Bacher