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Assorted recoloring fixes

Alice Mikhaylenko requested to merge wip/exalm/recoloring-fixes into main

This was supposed to be a part of the backgrounds branch, but ultimately there are too many changes which are all small individually but add up.

  • Make tab bar properly recolorable - though don't change colors to transparent yet - that will be done with new background colors, the header bar is too dark for that atm

  • Fix a few places where we were overriding colors for no reason

    • Spinbutton buttons on hover
    • Entry icons
    • GtkText and textview cursor
    • GtkExpander arrow on hover
    • Menubar separator
    • Notebooks with hover and tab.reorderable-page - that one we agreed to just remove
    • Scrollbars
    • headerbar.flat
  • Remove a few unnecessary mix() instances

    • Calendar insensitive style - we already do it with opacity
    • osd entries - use opacity
    • Use black for .osd instead of grey - that way it's still visible in dark variant
    • A few on treeview headers and tabs
  • Boxed lists

    • Refactor the .content style
    • Remove spacing from expander rows, move bg to the list itself - we agreed to do this as it was impossible to have differently colored outer borders otherwise - mainly for dark (the borders themselves will wait for next time)
    • Fix the fact non-activatable rows have press effect
    • Update hover/pressed/nested colors
    • Hide pref group lists by default to avoid visible borders - we were hiding it after removing the last row but not inisially
  • Remove app-specific stuff

    • .content-view - we don't do that anymore, that's from the era of Documents
    • @content_view-bg - it's probably supposed to be used with .content-view? In reality it's same as @theme_bg_color and that style didn't use it either, which seems to indicate nobody uses it
    • @text_view_bg - this was added specifically for vte and is not used anywhere else. Apps can easily add it themselves
  • Explicitly set popover color - we were mixing base and fg color isntead of base/text or bg/fg

  • Misc refactoring

    • Move legacy public colors to a separate file as we'll have a new set going forward
    • Restore a few of the legacy colors we've removed like @theme_selected_bg_color - apps like g-t-e still haven't updated and if we're gonna have compat colors anyway - might as well
    • Separate header bar border and opacity - so it's possible to override color and have it work both in regular and hc variabts
    • Remove a few unused mixins
    • Inline variables in a couple places

Merge request reports
