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  • Ross Lagerwall's avatar
    ftp: Implement TLS support · dccf4aee
    Ross Lagerwall authored
    Implement TLS support (aka explicit ftps).  This is done by using a
    different URL scheme, ftps, so that it is only used if explicitly
    Although the protocol allows transparently upgrading a normal
    connection to a secure one, there are several problems with this.
    FEAT is needed to determine support for it but some servers do not allow
    this before login.  Some servers are configured to allow AUTH TLS but
    have firewalls that block data connections because they can't inspect
    the traffic.  Servers may disallow TLS on the data connection, making it
    unclear to the user how secure the connection is.  Finally, there may be
    verification errors which need to be presented to the user, and these
    are unexpected because they did not choose to use ftps.
    Making secure ftp opt-in as a separate URL scheme side-steps most of
    these issues as well as ensuring there are no regressions for normal
    ftp.  When using ftps, we assume that the server implements AUTH TLS so
    the connection is secur...