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  • Alexander Larsson's avatar
    Make sure we somewhat cleanly handle the various dbus daemons going down. · 08c4d5ab
    Alexander Larsson authored
    2007-11-14  Alexander Larsson  <>
            * client/gdaemonvfs.[ch]:
            * client/gvfsdaemondbus.c:
    	Make sure we somewhat cleanly handle the
    	various dbus daemons going down. By somewhat
    	I mean that no problem should be persistant
    	even if you might get some transient error
    	Unfortunately the only way to be able to cleanly
    	handle this involves globally ignoring SIGPIPE.
    	What can I say, unix sucks.
            * common/gsysutils.c:
    	Handle errors if e.g. the fd is closed
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=1023