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  • Christian Hergert's avatar
    vim: add GtkSourceVimIMContext · 15f4c270
    Christian Hergert authored
    This adds a new GtkIMContext implementation that attempts to emulate
    a modern Vim experience. It can be used with a GtkSourceView by
    connecting it to a GtkEventControllerKey and adding it to a view.
    This is an initial implementation and could use further work on
    matching semantics with Vim. However it has a number of features
    beyond what was implemented in GNOME Builder.
    Various features supported by GtkSourceVimIMContext include:
     - Normal, Insert, Replace, Visual, and Visual Line modes
     - Support for an integrated command bar and current command preview
     - Search and replace
     - Motions and Text Objects
     - History replay
     - Jumplists within the current file
     - Registers including the system and primary clipboards
     - Creation and motion to marks
     - Some commonly used Vim commands
    Fixes #233