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  • David Miguel Susano Pinto's avatar
    matlab/octave: drop its use for files with mime for the other type. · 50497519
    David Miguel Susano Pinto authored
    * both matlab.lang and octave.lang files were currently being used for
    files with mimetypes "text/x-matlab" and "text/x-octave".  Octave has
    plenty of extra syntax missing from Matlab and thus, the matlab mimetype
    should not be used for files identified as octave.  While the opposite
    is not true, i.e., Matlab code should run just fine in Octave, in
    practice, code that is identified as Matlab is probably aiming at Matlab
    compatibility and should avoid using Octave highlight.
    * Note that whether a file was written in Octave or Matlab is irrelevant.
    If a file was written in Octave but only uses features that are also
    present in Matlab, it probably aims at Matlab compatibility and should
    be highlighted as Matlab.