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  • Christian Hergert's avatar
    This is a straightforward port of Builder's snippet system to GtkSourceView. · 76d5a1ff
    Christian Hergert authored
    A number of new objects are added as part of this commit to the
    GtkSourceView ABI.
     - GtkSourceSnippet provides an object representing a snippet to be inserted
       into a textview. Snippets are associated with a textview rather than a
       buffer because of incremental state that is necessary to interact with
       widgetry and event controllers. Additionally, it doesn't make sense to have
       this attached to the buffer when the view area could be different.
     - GtkSourceSnippetChunk is a single chunk of a snippet. A snippet contains
       zero or more chunks. A chunk can have a spec (which can be evaluated
       using variables) or text set (such as after typing in the editor). Also, a
       chunk can have a "focus-position" which allows the user to tab through the
       chunks of the snippet.
     - GtkSourceSnippetContext provides state which can be expanded as part of
       the snippet. This is useful to expand variables set by the application or