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  • Murray Cumming's avatar
    regenerated, keeping hand-coded changes, after adding some extra GTypes to · 5a5c2e78
    Murray Cumming authored
    2003-10-24  Murray Cumming  <>
            * gtk/src/gtk_signals.defs: regenerated, keeping hand-coded changes,
            after adding some extra GTypes to tools/extra_defs_gen.
            * gkt/gtkmm: Added cellrenderer_generation.[h|cc], with some of the
            templates and template specialisations previously in
            treeviewcolumn.[hg|ccg]. This allowed them to be reused in
            gtk/src/celllayout.hg for a pack_start(model column) template.
            * demos/gtk-demo/: Added - a C++ version of
            the C one.