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  • Murray Cumming's avatar
    Added TreeIter::set_stamp() and get_stamp(), with documentation, for use · 3e1cb9bb
    Murray Cumming authored
    2004-01-14  Murray Cumming  <>
            * gtk/src/treeiter.[hg}ccg]: Added TreeIter::set_stamp() and
            get_stamp(), with documentation, for use when implementing a
            custom TreeModel.
            * gtk/src/treemodel.[hg|ccg]:
            - Hand-coded several vfuncs and their C callbacks, so that we can have
            C++ iterators instead of GtkTreeIter*s in the API, and to reorder some
            - Added 2 extra vfuncs for information about root nodes. The C
            versions of these vfuncs provide root node information when the iter
            is NULL, but it is nicer in C++ to just have an extra vfunc without
            that parameter. This requires an extra if() in the _vfunc_callback()
            - Added documentation for the vfuncs but gmmproc does not yet put the
            documentation in the right place for the generated vfuncs.
            * gtk/src/cellrenderer.hg: Added docuemntation for the vfuncs, but
            gmmproc does not put this documentation in the right place yet.
            * examples/: Added treemodelcustom to show a derived TreeModel, which
            overrides those vfuncs, based on the example by Christof Pettig.
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