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  • Murray Cumming's avatar
    Add #includes needed with the latest glibmm. · 46ada3b5
    Murray Cumming authored
    * gdk/src/color.hg:
    * gdk/src/pixbuf.hg:
    * gdk/src/pixbufanimationiter.hg:
    * gdk/src/pixbufformat.hg:
    * gdk/src/rectangle.hg:
    * gdk/src/rgba.hg:
    * gdk/src/types.hg:
    * gtk/gtkmm/object.h:
    * gtk/gtkmm/
    * gtk/gtkmm/stockid.h:
    * gtk/src/border.hg:
    * gtk/src/enums.hg:
    * gtk/src/main.hg:
    * gtk/src/papersize.hg:
    * gtk/src/textattributes.hg: Add individual includes now that gmmproc does not
    add #include glibmm.h at the top of every generated header.
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