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  • Cosimo Cecchi's avatar
    icontheme: use desired size instead of negative for DIR_UNTHEMED SVGs · eddaf016
    Cosimo Cecchi authored
    When loading SVGs from ICON_THEME_DIR_UNTHEMED GtkIconInfos,
    such as those created for a GLoadableIcon, the size of the pixbuf to
    load is set as a product of icon_info->scale.
    But a few lines above, icon_info->scale is set to -1 for
    ICON_THEME_DIR_UNTHEMED GtkIconInfos, so we'll end up always passing a
    negative size to the GdkPixbuf loader, which is interpreted as the
    nominal size of the image file.
    Instead load the SVG at the desired scaled size in that case.
    This fixes blurry icon in the notification panel in gnome-shell.