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  • Timm Bäder's avatar
    entry: make sure priv->current_pos is valid · d9170e19
    Timm Bäder authored and Daniel Boles's avatar Daniel Boles committed
    We can e.g. get the entry dispose()d and a focus_out event after that
    (because the toplevel unsets the focus which previously was the entry).
    We then later use priv->current_pos in a call to pango API which makes
    sure the given index is valid for the given layout. Since we lazily
    create a GtkEntryBuffer in get_buffer() and a PangoLayout lazily in
    gtk_entry_create_layout, these 2 are always valid but don't match
    priv->current_pos in this situation.
    Fix this by resetting priv->current-pos in dispose().