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  • Daniel Boles's avatar
    Widget: Don’t call reset() on NULL EventController · b8e24304
    Daniel Boles authored
    GtkGesture is a GtkEventController. gtk_event_controller_dispose() calls
    _gtk_widget_remove_controller(). That NULLs the pointer-to-Controller in
    our EventControllerData but does not delete said ECData from our GList.
    Subsequently, if that same Widget gets unparent()ed, that method calls
    unset_state_flags(), which leads to doing reset_controllers() if we are
    insensitive. Now, unlike most most other loops over the GList of ECData,
    reset_controllers() does not skip nodes whose pointer-to-Controller is
    NULL. So, we call gtk_event_controller_reset(NULL) and get a CRITICAL.
    This surfaced in a gtkmm program. The Gesture is destroyed before the
    Widget. The Widget then gets dispose()d, which calls unparent()… boom.
    I didn’t find an MCVE yet but would hope this logic is correct anyway:
    The simplest fix is to make the loop in gtk_widget_reset_controllers()
    skip GList nodes with a NULL Controller pointer, like most other such
    loops, so we avoid passing the NULL to gtk_event_controller_reset().
    In other, live cases, _gtk_widget_run_controllers() loops over the GList
    and removes/frees nodes having NULL Controllers, so that should suffice.
    But this clearly was not getting a chance to happen in the failing case.