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  • Kristian Rietveld's avatar
    treemodelfilter: rework reference counting · 88dd6372
    Kristian Rietveld authored
     - Before we kept a reference on all nodes in non-root levels.  This has
       been changed, now we keep a reference on the first node of each level.
       If, due to changes in the model, another node becomes the first node in
       the level, the reference is transferred to this new first node.
     - All non-root levels keep a reference on their parent.
     - By making use of the external ref count, the filter model now emits less
       unnecessary signals.
     - GtkTreeModelFilter does support filter functions which decide visibility
       of a given node based on the number of or visibility of children.
       To accomplish this, a child level of a node is cached when its
       parent has an external ref count > 0, because changes to the node might
       affect this parent.
     - An optimization for not building the root level in case the inserted
       node is not visible in gtk_tree_model_filter_row_inserted() has been
       removed.  In this case, we still need to build the root level and
       possibly a child level to monitor for signals which might make
       this row visible.