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  • LRN's avatar
    GDK: Use GdkCursor objects to keep track of W32 cursors, not HCURSOR · 641fbd86
    LRN authored
    In particular this means that cursors are disposed of by the way of
    g_object_unref(), not DestroyCursor (which is documented to not to be
    used on certain kinds of cursors, and we can't tell which is which).
    It should also alleviate any concerns about destroying cursors that
    are still in use by other windows, except for cases where we would
    somehow get our hands on a HCURSOR that someone else is using and we
    make a GdkCursor out of it and later unref and finalize it while it
    is still in use.
    It also removes the need to call CopyCursor(), which makes animated
    cursors into non-animated ones as a side-effect (supposed to be a bug,
    but try explaining that to MS). Now cursors should be animated (if
    the are set up as such in the OS).