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  • Carlos Soriano Sánchez's avatar
    gtkplacessidebar: improve heuristics for external drives · 0cd4e7ec
    Carlos Soriano Sánchez authored
    Since the change to use GtkPlacesView we don't want to show
    internal storage on the sidebar.
    In our case we were checking for drive_can_eject and
    However for some external hard drives it's reported that they
    are not ejectable nor the have removable media. So the only
    attribute that they have different from internal drives is that
    they can be stopped.
    So check for if the drive can be stopped to decide if it is
    external or internal.
    On the way realized we don't need to check for the mounts associated
    with the volume to know if the volume can be ejected or not. So remove
    that code.