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  • Michael Fulbright's avatar
    Actually load the image handler when we determine the image type. · 5749f310
    Michael Fulbright authored
    1999-10-29  Michael Fulbright  <>
            * src/gdk-pixbuf-loader.c (gdk_pixbuf_loader_write): Actually
            load the image handler when we determine the image type.
            * src/gdk-pixbuf-io.[ch] (gdk_pixbuf_load_module): Changed the
            previously static function load_image_handler () to
            a public function gdk_pixbuf_load_module (). It is needed in
            gdk-pixbuf-loader.c to load image handler modules.  This function
            is different from gdk_pixbuf_get_module (), which only returns
            a reference to the required handler, because it actually loads
            the handler into memory. Both actions should possibly be combined
            in a convenience function since one w/o the other doesn't seem to
            make much sense.
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