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  • Matthias Clasen's avatar
    Rework the Unicode hex input code. Now we only steal a single key · 4083637a
    Matthias Clasen authored
    2005-09-02  Matthias Clasen  <>
    	* gtk/gtkimcontextsimple.c: Rework the Unicode hex input
    	code. Now we only steal a single key combination, Ctrl-Shift-U,
    	instead of sixteen.
    	A hex Unicode sequence must be started with Ctrl-Shift-U, followed
    	by a sequence of hex digits entered with Ctrl-Shift still held.
    	Releasing one of the modifiers or pressing space while the modifiers
    	are still held commits the character. It is possible to erase
    	digits using backspace.
    	As an extension to the above, we also allow to start the sequence
    	with Ctrl-Shift-U, then release the modifiers before typing any
    	digits, and enter the digits without modifiers.
    	(#82011, Owen Taylor)