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  • Nelson Ben's avatar
    GtkFilechooserWidget: prevent oblivious selection of file · e6ff9901
    Nelson Ben authored
    which could happen after confirming the "file overwrite"
    dialog and may result in a different file being overwritten
    causing data loss.
    The oblivious file selection can be done by a mouse
    click or keyboard press sent inadvertently just after
    confirming the "file overwrite" dialog.
    Fixed by adding a flag to ignore any button/key press
    events sent to the file list. We set this flag just
    after the user accepts the "file overwrite" dialog,
    which means the enclosing GtkfilechooserDialog is about
    to get closed. And we restablish the flag when the dialog
    is shown again (in its map() handler).
    Fixes data loss issue #2288