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  • Federico Mena Quintero's avatar
    Return an error code when refreshing the entry from the user's input · 2dd7cf49
    Federico Mena Quintero authored
    2009-01-22  Federico Mena Quintero  <>
    	Return an error code when refreshing the entry from the user's
    	input.  We use this in the completion code to know when completion
    	can't happen due to (for example) having a non-local URI in a file
    	chooser that is local_only=TRUE.
    	Also, we start maintaining an invariant that
    	chooser_entry->current_folder_file != NULL implies that:
    		* what the user entered is valid
    		* we are loading that folder (chooser_entry->load_folder_cancellable != NULL)
    		* or we are done loading that folder, or we have a handle
    		to it at least (chooser_entry->current_folder != NULL)
    	The invariant also says that all of the above are NULL (and
    	chooser_entry->current_folder_file == NULL) implies that the user
    	typed something invalid.  This makes
    	_gtk_file_chooser_entry_get_current_folder() not able to return
    	an invalid folder.
    	* gtk/gtkfilechooserentry.c (RefreshStatus): New enum.
    	(refresh_current_folder_and_file_part): Return a RefreshStatus.
    	We filter out incomplete hostnames here (typing
    	"sftp://incompl[tab]" will error out), as well as completely
    	unparsable input.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarFederico Mena Quintero <>
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=22177
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