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  • Benjamin Otte's avatar
    Implement new GtkFileSystemModel · 18b56b99
    Benjamin Otte authored
    The new model is mostly API-compatible with the old model (minimal
    changes were required), but is a lot faster and has a lot of very
    desirable features.
    - the model does no longer support a tree, just a list of files in a
      given directory
    - the storage has been moved to a GArray as opposed to a tree
    - no more dependency on GtkFileSystem
    - columns are managed by the creator of the model, so any number of
      nodes can be added as needed. This also makes the API more similar
      to GtkListStore.
    - Values are filled on demand using a function given when creating the
    - The function can decide to let the model cache returned values or
      decide to be called again the next time the value is queried.
    - implements GtkTreeSortable
    - _gtk_file_system_model_get_value() was added to significantly speed
      up value access, which is necessary when sorting large models.