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  • Tor Lillqvist's avatar
    If the WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property is being deleted, set the owner of the · 15567341
    Tor Lillqvist authored
    2004-01-25  Tor Lillqvist  <>
    	* gdk/win32/gdkproperty-win32.c (gdk_property_delete): If the
    	WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property is being deleted, set the owner of the
    	window to the root window (i.e., effectively unset it). (#132411)
    	* gdk/win32/gdkprivate-win32.h
    	* gdk/win32/gdkglobals-win32.c
    	* gdk/win32/gdkmain-win32.c: Declare, define and initialize
    	_wm_transient_for, a GdkAtom for WM_TRANSIENT_FOR.
    	* acconfig.h: Remove HAVE_WINSOCK_H, not used any longer.
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