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  • Olivier Fourdan's avatar
    gdkwindow: configure native windows in move_native_children() · 12579fe7
    Olivier Fourdan authored
    ClutterEmbed on Wayland uses a subsurface and relocates it on configure
    events, but when placed within a scrolled window, no configure event is
    emitted and the ClutterEmbed subsurface remains static.
    Emit a configure event for native windows in GdkWindow's internal
    move_native_children() so that custom widgets relying on configure
    events such as ClutterEmbed can relocate their stuff.
    Similarly, when switching to/from normal/maximized/fullscreen states
    which change the shadows' size and possibly shows/hides a header bar,
    we need to emit a configure event even if the abs_x/abs_y haven't
    changed to make sure the subsurface is size appropriately.