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a11y atspi: Improve mapping for container roles

GTK_ACCESSIBLE_ROLE_GENERIC is for "a nameless container that has no semantic meaning of its own", for which AT-SPI role ATSPI_ROLE_PANEL [1] ("A generic container that is often used to group objects.") fits better than ATSPI_ROLE_FILLER ("A object that fills up space in a user interface."), so map to this one.

With this in place, widgets like GtkBox are again reported with the panel role on AT-SPI level after commit a86923de ("a11y: Change the role for many containers"), whose commit message suggests that the change on the AT-SPI level was unintended.

For GTK_ACCESSIBLE_ROLE_GROUP, use the corresponding ATSPI_ROLE_GROUPING ("A group of related widgets. This group typically has a label.").


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